Breastfeeding Set Shaklee

Breastfeeding Set Shaklee

Ramai juga yang bertanya kepada saya..Yang mana satu sesuai untuk saya?Macam ada banyak Set Breastfeeding Shaklee..Set Breastfeeding terdiri daripada 3 set iaitu:
1. Set B

2. Set E

3. Set 3M

secara ringkas saya jelaskan,

Set BSet B ialah untuk ibu yang tiada masalah penyusuan. Ianya lebih untuk memperkayakan susuibu dengan zat dan nutrisi semata-mata. Apa yang ada dalam set B ? Vitalea with iron formula, Vitamin B, Vitamin C dan Alfalfa. Memang khas untuk mereka yang tiada masalah penyusuan. Vitamin B lebih kepada keperluan pertumbuhan otak dan emosi, Vitamin C fokus on imun sistem, Vitalea demi pertumbuhan dan pembesaran secara lengkap dan menyeluruh manakala Alfalfa sebagai peransang demi membantu mempercepatkan penghasilan susuibu disamping membantu mengurangkan masalah eczema sekiranya si bayi mengalami masalah tersebut.

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Set E

Set E lebih kepada ibu yang ada kekangan untuk lengkapkan keperluan kalsium dalam diet harian (kalsium dan protien adalah asas kepada penghasilan susu). Kalsium Shaklee lebih dikenali dengan nama Ostematrix adalah formula lengkap kalsium, magnesium dan vitamin D. Set E ialah set B ditambah dengan ostematrix.
Siapa yang perlu set ini? Ibu yang mengalami kemerunduman susu setiap kali PMS
. Selain itu set ini membantu si ibu cergas, bertenaga walau kurang tidur selain diperlukan untuk tulang bayi serta pembentukan gigi si kecil. Walaubagaimanapun, set B + ESP juga sangat bagus diamalkan sekiranya si ibu punya masalah penghasilan susu yang lambat serta bayi mudah lapar.
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Set 3M
Set ini mengandungi Set B , ESP dan Ostematrix. Siapa yang perlu amik set ini?
Set ini digalakkan kepada ibu yang ada masalah penyusuan,
si ibu yang nak mula menyimpan stok,
si ibu yang mahukan anaknya mudah lena waktu malam dan
ibu yang sedang relaktasi atau induce lactation.
Masalah penyusuan yang dimaksudkan ialah, si ibu menghadapi masalah penghasilan susu walau telah melakukan perahan setiap 2 jam dan minum air sekurang-kurangnya 3L sehari… maka set ini membantu membaiki mana-mana kekurangan atau lohong zat yang diperlukan oleh badan agar tubuh si ibu dapat berfungsi dengan baik sekali.

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Berminat hubungi saya sekarang di 0128844580 untuk keterangan lanjut.
Sila dapatkan khidmat konsultasi sebelum anda membeli mana-mana set di atas. Pastikan anda mendapat ilmu dan maklumat yang selengkapnya sebelum membeli.

********************************************************************************************************************************* Saya adalah pengedar Shaklee yang sah di Sarawak (SID 869586). Melakukan penghantaran ke seluruh negara/Indonesia/Brunie melalui pos laju. Konsultansi percuma sepanjang bergelar pelanggan Sheena E Shop House. ********************************************************************************************************************************** Mahu Jadi Ahli Shaklee? Jangan Tunggu Lagi. Jadi Ahli, Jaga Kesihatan, Tambah Pendapatan. Hubungi saya untuk daftar segera .
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Pumping while nursing

Pumping while nursing

Pumping while nursing can be an easy way to collect milk. At first it may seem awkward, but with practice, it gets much easier!

1) Set up pump first, so it’s ready.

2) Latch baby

3) Place pump and turn on.

Steps 2 and 3 can be reversed if it’s easier for mom to do it that way, but many moms find it easier to place pump on with one hand vs getting baby latched “one handed”.
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********************************************************************************************************************************* Saya adalah pengedar Shaklee yang sah di Sarawak (SID 869586). Melakukan penghantaran ke seluruh negara/Indonesia/Brunie melalui pos laju. Konsultansi percuma sepanjang bergelar pelanggan Sheena E Shop House. ********************************************************************************************************************************** Mahu Jadi Ahli Shaklee? Jangan Tunggu Lagi. Jadi Ahli, Jaga Kesihatan, Tambah Pendapatan. Hubungi saya untuk daftar segera .
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Koleksi Petua Untuk Menambahkan Susu Badan

Koleksi Petua Untuk Menambahkan Susu Badan

Selain daripada memakan vitamin shaklee terdapat petua-petua traditional yang masih boleh digunakan untuk menambahkan susu badan si ibu.

Petua 1:

Amalkan makan jantung pisang celur. Jantung pisang yang di celur enak dimakan dengan sambal belacan. Bukan saja sedap malah ia membantu menambah susu ibu.

Petua 2:

Kikis lobak putih dan diparut. Campur lobak putih tadi dengan segelas air panas dan dibiar sehingga suam. Minum 2 kali sehari.

Petua 3:

Daun betik memang enak dibuat ulam walaupun rasanya sedikit pahit. Cicah dengan sambal belacan. Ia berupaya menambah susu badan.

Petua 4:

Longan yang kering, yang biasa boleh didapati dikedai singseh amat bagus untuk diamalkan. Rebus longan kering dalam anggaran satu cawan kecil dengan beberapa cawan air (3 - 4 cawan air) dan biar sehingga longan tersebut kembang. Minuman air rebusan tersebut.

Petua 5:

Daun sirih boleh menambah susu ibu yang sedikit dan kurang lancar. Ambil daun sirih dan sapu dengan minyak kelapa. Layurkan daun tersebut pada api dan tekap pada sekeliling buah dada anda.

********************************************************************************************************************************* Saya adalah pengedar Shaklee yang sah di Sarawak (SID 869586). Melakukan penghantaran ke seluruh negara/Indonesia/Brunie melalui pos laju. Konsultansi percuma sepanjang bergelar pelanggan Sheena E Shop House. ********************************************************************************************************************************** Mahu Jadi Ahli Shaklee? Jangan Tunggu Lagi. Jadi Ahli, Jaga Kesihatan, Tambah Pendapatan. Hubungi saya untuk daftar segera .
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Breastfeeding for a year cuts cancer risk by a third: research

Breastfeeding for a year cuts cancer risk by a third: research

Breastfeeding for at least a year can cut the chances of developing breast cancer by a third in women with a strong family history of the disease.

Women carrying faulty genes have an almost three in four chance of developing breast cancer and feeding their babies naturally is one of the few ways they can reduce that risk, researchers have found.
A study has found that women carrying the BRCA1 gene were 32 per cent less likely to develop breast cancer if they breastfed for at least a year compared with women with the gene who didn't.
Women with the genetic faults are at such a high risk of breast cancer that many opt for preventive surgery, a double mastectomy, as they fear they are living with a time bomb.
The research conducted by the Women's Research Institute in Ontario, Canada, calculated that just five women with the BRCA 1 gene needed to breastfeed for a year to prevent one developing cancer.
However breastfeeding had no effect on the cancer risk for women carrying the BRCA2 gene, suggesting the way the two genes cause cancer are different.

Amongst the general population of healthy women, breastfeeding for a year reduces the risk of breast cancer by 4.3 per cent, the authors said.
Almost 6,000 women with the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes were included in the study, with around half having already been diagnosed with cancer.
The women were matched to each other as closely as possible, including number of births, age and body weight, giving 1665 pairs to be analysed.
The cancer sufferers had breastfed for an average of two months less than those without cancer.
It was calculated that breastfeeding for one year reduced the risk of cancer by 32 per cent and for two or more years cut it by almost half.
The researchers said each year of breastfeeding reduced the risk of breast cancer by 19 per cent.
Co author Dr Steven Narod, wrote in the journal BioMed Central: "These findings corroborate a protective role of breastfeeding on breast cancer risk for BRCA1.
"The lack of an association for BRCA2 mutation carriers suggests that the biological pathway for carcinogenesis is different for the two genes. Women with a BRCA mutation should be advised of the benefit of breastfeeding in terms of reducing breast cancer risk."

Credit from kellymom
********************************************************************************************************************************* Saya adalah pengedar Shaklee yang sah di Sarawak (SID 869586). Melakukan penghantaran ke seluruh negara/Indonesia/Brunie melalui pos laju. Konsultansi percuma sepanjang bergelar pelanggan Sheena E Shop House. ********************************************************************************************************************************** Mahu Jadi Ahli Shaklee? Jangan Tunggu Lagi. Jadi Ahli, Jaga Kesihatan, Tambah Pendapatan. Hubungi saya untuk daftar segera .
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Myth: There is no way to tell a baby is getting milk while breastfeeding

Myth: There is no way to tell a baby is getting milk while breastfeeding

Fact:  Although breasts do not have ounce markers, you can tell your baby is getting milk while breastfeeding in several simple ways. Watch for “pauses in the action of the chin” which indicate the mouth filling with milk, and a “kah” sound which indicates swallowing (see the video below).  After feeding, your baby ideally will act satisfied, and no longer exhibit feeding cues that typically indicate hunger.  Longer term, you can be certain that your baby is taking in enough milk if he has plenty of wet and dirty diapers, and is growing, gaining weight, and meeting milestones. Talk to your health care provider if you are concerned that your baby is not getting enough milk.

If the video does not load, please refresh your page. 

Myth: There is no milk for the first few days after birth.Fact:  Your breasts begin producing colostrum, your first milk, around 4 and half months of pregnancy. Colostrum is a thick, sticky fluid that is produced in relatively small quantities, yet it is delivered in the perfect volumes for your newborn’s stomach capacity. It contains all the nutrition your baby needs, plus a big boost of anti-infective factors, prebiotics and probiotics that will help protect your baby from illness. Most moms will notice that their milk becomes more plentiful, or “comes in”, about 72 hours after birth. Before then, colostrum is all baby needs except in the rare circumstance that additional nutrition is medically indicated.

Myth: Pain while breastfeeding is normal, especially in the first few weeks.Fact: Pain is the way our bodies alert us to a problem and let us know something needs to change. Breastfeeding is not supposed to be painful; certainly not like the pain that is so often described in parenting urban legends!

The first days (sometimes even a week or two) after birth, some mothers may experience what lactation experts call “normal tenderness”. It is described as discomfort that lasts through the first few sucks of a feeding, then resolves for the rest of the feeding. Some mothers say the sensation is mildly painful, rather than just uncomfortable.  Normal tenderness is often correlated to stretching of the nipple into the back of baby’s mouth. It has been theorized that general breast tenderness in the first weeks could be related to the normal shift in hormones after the placenta is delivered, or even the initial “stretching” due to filling of the breasts with milk.

********************************************************************************************************************************* Saya adalah pengedar Shaklee yang sah di Sarawak (SID 869586). Melakukan penghantaran ke seluruh negara/Indonesia/Brunie melalui pos laju. Konsultansi percuma sepanjang bergelar pelanggan Sheena E Shop House. ********************************************************************************************************************************** Mahu Jadi Ahli Shaklee? Jangan Tunggu Lagi. Jadi Ahli, Jaga Kesihatan, Tambah Pendapatan. Hubungi saya untuk daftar segera .
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Normal tenderness is different from pain that indicates nipple damage is occurring. How can you tell the difference between normal and pain that indicates a problem?  Normal will improve with time (every feeding will be a little better) and will not be severe enough to negatively impact breastfeeding. Just remember this: Pain that negatively impacts breastfeeding is not normal!

If you experience pain that lasts throughout the feeding , or makes you dread feedings and contemplate weaning, talk to an experienced lactation consultant right away. Feeding through pain can compound the issue leading to bruising, cracks, infection or other problems. The sooner you get help, the sooner you will be able to nurse comfortably and truly begin to enjoy your breastfeeding relationship with your baby. The solution for breastfeeding pain is often a very simple one, such as adjusting positioning or latch.  Waiting to seek help can make simple problems much more complicated. Do not wait!

When to ask for help:
  • you experience toe-curling pain that makes you dread feedings
  • you experience pain throughout feedings
  • your nipple(s) looks smashed, misshapen, or discolored after feeding
  • your nipple(s) are cracked, bruised, and/or bleeding
  • your baby nurses “all the time” and never or rarely shows signs of satisfaction
  • your baby has difficulty latching on, or staying latched on to the breast
  • your nipples are sore between feedings
  • you experience nipple pain that radiates into the breast
  • pain is not improving with time, or is getting worse
Build a support network for yourself (friends, family, breastfeeding support groups, lactation consultant, your midwife and/or doula). If you seek breastfeeding help from a professional and you still do not get relief, please seek another opinion. You should not have to live in pain or prematurely wean in order to feel better.

Myth: Pumping is a good way to find out how much milk you make.Fact: If you are breastfeeding your baby, pumping cannot tell you how much milk you are producing. There are many variables that can affect how much milk can be removed with a pump including: the efficiency of the pump, how well your body responds to the pump, how long it has been since you last fed your baby, your pumping technique (pumping alone or “hands on”), and perhaps even your breast storage capacity. The best way to know that you are making enough milk is to look at your baby. Is he gaining weight? Growing in length and head circumference? Generally content? Meeting milestones? If so, then rest assured that you are making enough for your baby! If you are having difficulty expressing milk, or if you are concerned about how much milk you are making, talk to your breastfeeding support volunteer or lactation consultant.

Myth: If you breastfeed, you will have to stay at home most of the time and nobody else can help you with the baby.Fact: Breastfed babies are very portable. There are no bottles, formula, and related items to carry with you (or forget at home!). All you really need for an outing are diapers and wipes. It is easy to breastfeed anywhere, just as it is to bottle-feed anywhere. If you are concerned about feeding in public, consider trying some of these confidence-boosting tips. Your comfort level will increase with time and practice!
There are lots of ways other people can help you care for your baby. Breastfeeding is the only thing that you can do for your baby that no one else can. Your family and friends can help by changing, bathing, rocking, walking, playing with, singing to, or carrying your baby. They can also help by taking care of YOU and important household tasks like laundry, meal preparation, running errands, cleaning, and entertaining older children. Don’t be too shy to ask for help when you need it, even if it is just for 15 minutes to take a shower or take a walk around the block.

Myth: You have to drink milk to make milk.Fact:  Nutrients and calories are required to produce milk, and nutrition can come from any food source (ideally, a variety of foods in as close to their natural state as possible; “whole foods”). There is no one food that a mother must eat in order to produce milk. In fact, it is not necessary for humans to drink cow’s milk at all, though many people do enjoy drinking it or eating dairy in it’s many forms (such as cheese and yogurt). 

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Maaf kerana lama tak update informasi mengenai susu ibu... Sibuk dengan anak sempena cuti sekolah...

Tak terasa masa berlalu dan sekarang dah sembilan bulan saya menyusukan syasha... alhamdulillah syukur kepadanya....yang maha esa.

Banyak cabaran juga yang saya hadapi semasa menyusukan syasha..untuk menghasilkan susu badan yang yang banyak bukan sahaja dari segi pemakanan yang berkhasiat dan juga seimbang tetapi kena minum air suam sebanyak yang mungkin.. dan disamping itu saya rasa amat bertuah kerana dengan adanya produk shaklee dapat membantu saya menjayakan penyusuan susu ibu ini...

Syasha yang berumur 9 bulan sekarang dan sangat aktif.....
Pengambilan vitamin shaklee bukan sahaja membantu saya menjayakan penyusuan susu ibu tetapi juga memberi kesan kepada kesihatan badan saya sendiri dimana sebelum pengambilan vitamin shaklee saya berasa amat penat, tidak bermaya dan mudah pening dan mual tetapi setelah pengambilan vitamin shaklee saya amat bertenaga dan alhamdulillah balik kerja pun badan tidak terasa penat...
********************************************************************************************************************************* Saya adalah pengedar Shaklee yang sah di Sarawak (SID 869586). Melakukan penghantaran ke seluruh negara/Indonesia/Brunie melalui pos laju. Konsultansi percuma sepanjang bergelar pelanggan Sheena E Shop House. ********************************************************************************************************************************** Mahu Jadi Ahli Shaklee? Jangan Tunggu Lagi. Jadi Ahli, Jaga Kesihatan, Tambah Pendapatan. Hubungi saya untuk daftar segera .
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Pengambilan vitamin juga memainkan peranan yang amat besar dalam kehidupan seseorang dan bergantung bagaimana cara seseorang itu memakannya...

Bagi saya vitamin set penyusuan shaklee memang amat berkesan..sesiapa yang berminat boleh hubungi saya untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut...

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